Michael Shikan Brunner, founder of One River Zen (ORZ) in Ottawa, Illinois, has resigned his membership in the White Plum Asanga (WPA). In addition, his dharma transmission teacher, Robert Joshin Althouse, has rescinded Michael’s transmission, thus revoking his permission to function as an empowered Zen teacher and priest in Joshin’s Zen lineage.

These actions resulted from a complaint of misconduct filed in February 2024 with the WPA by a One River Zen member.  Because this misconduct occurred and the complaint was received while Michael was still a member of the White Plum Asanga, the White Plum Board convened a wisdom circle to carry out an investigation according to its ethical code and grievance procedures to which Michael subscribed when he joined the WPA. This investigation led the White Plum Board to conclude that Michael engaged in unprofessional conduct in violation of the WPA Code of Ethics and involving violations of sexual boundaries with an adult student in his ORZ community. In addition, it was determined that Michael has not addressed his misconduct in a way appropriate for a member of the WPA. Therefore the Board is publishing this announcement as suggested in the WPA grievance procedure to which Michael subscribed.

The White Plum Asanga is an affinity group that is open to Zen teachers who are dharma heirs of Maezumi Roshi. It is not a regulatory body and confers neither permission nor revocation of permission to teach Zen. It does, however, require members to sign the WPA Code of Ethics, strongly encouraging ethical conduct that protects students and teachers who practice within the lineage.

Directors of the Board of the White Plum Asanga:
William Jian Dietrich
Randall Ryotan Eiger
Anthony Hoetsu Falcone
James Kando Green
Amy Tu es cela Hollowell
Karin Ryuku Kempe
Kipp Ryodo Hawley
Michel Plein Ciel Oltheten