Publications by WPA Teachers

  • Alfred Genkai Kaszniak
  • Handbook for Clinical Memory Assessment of Older Adults (American Psychological Association. 419 pp.)
  • Communication and Cognition in Normal Aging and Dementia (College Hill/Little-Brown. 400 pp.)
  • Toward a Science of Consciousness, I, II, and III (MIT Press)
  • Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion (Oxford University Press. 431 pp.)
  • Emotions, Qualia, and Consciousness (World Scientific. 554 pp.)
  • Awareness of Subtle Emotional Feelings: A Comparison of Long-term Meditators and Non-meditators (Emotion, 6, 392-405)
  • Enhancing Cognitive Fitness in Adults: A Guide to the Use and Development of Community-based Programs (pp. 85-106)
  • Meditation, Mindfulness, Cognition, and Emotion: Implications for Community-based Older Adult Programs (P. Hartman-Stein & A. LaRue [Eds.])
  • The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Training on Multitasking in a High-stress Information Environment (Proceedings of Graphics Interface. pp. 45-52)
  • Contemplative Pedagogy: Perspectives From Cognitive and Affective Science (In O. Gunnlaugson, H. Bai, E. Sarath, & C. Scott [Eds.])
  • Contemplative Learning and Inquiry Across Disciplines (State University of New York Press)