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Sensei Stephen Mugen Snyder
Awakening Dharma
Teachers and traditions:
• Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw authorized me as his first American Theravada Buddhist teacher in 2007.
* Completed dharma transmission with Mark Sando Mininberg, Roshi, a dharma heir of Glassman-roshi.
• Jiyu-Kennett, Roshi, Shasta Abbey
• Jakusho Kwong-roshi, Sonoma Mountain Zen Center
• Henry Shukman, Roshi, Mountain Cloud
• Diamond Approach, created by A.H. Almaas, aka Hameed Ali.
15 years as a student with 8 years of Diamond Heart Seminary practice.
• Graduated from Interfaith Seminary and ordained as an Interfaith Minister in 2000
• California attorney and mediator since 1987; Michigan attorney and mediator since 2018. Part-time Buddhist teacher since 2007 and Full-time Buddhist teacher since 2015.
* Practicing the Jhanas (2009) [co-author] - teaching deep meditative concentration practices and nondual states valued by the Buddha.
* Stress Reduction for Lawyers et al (2020).
* Buddha's Heart (2020) - teaching the ancient heart practices called the Bhrama Viharas (Divine Abodes).
* Demystifying Awakening (2022) - presenting the awakening maps of Zen and Theravada Buddhism with a variety of meditation and practices in support of awakening.
* Trust in Awakening (2022) - a retranslation of the Xing Xing Meng with commentary.
* Soothing the Longing Heart – forthcoming (2024) - This book will be focused primarily on working the patterns of personality; questioning the convictions and beliefs that support the "sense of self"; and understanding how the eight levels of consciousness are impacted by deep spiritual work.
• A growing number of my students have done Jukai and are engaged in koan study supported by intensive meditation retreats and face to face teaching.
• I also lead in-person meditation retreats in jhana meditation, brahma viharas (heart practices), and Awakening retreats for wider groups of participants in the U.S., U.K. and Europe, including multi week-long intensives in several locations. I also provide day-long online and in-person retreats monthly.
Contact Details
Awakening Dharma
PO Box 2092
Midland, MI 48641