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Roshi Tamara Myoho Tenshin Gabrysch
Zen River Temple
Tamara (Tammy) Myoho Gabrysch was born in the UK and lives in the Netherlands. She is the head Tenzo at Zen River Temple. Myoho began cooking for Zen retreats not long after she began studying under Genpo Merzel Roshi at the Kanzeon Zen Center, Bar Harbor, Maine, in 1988. After completing her Zen training in the USA and later Japan, she co-founded Zen River Temple in Uithuizen in 2002 with her husband, Tenkei Coppens Roshi and several enthusiastic students.
She has written three cookbooks called the Zen River Cookbook: Volume 1, in 2015, Volume 2, in 2022, and "Essentials" in 2023. "Essentials" is a short collection of favourite recipes assistant Tenzos chose.
She maintains a recipe blog here.
Myoho is a contributing author to “The Hidden Lamp”.
Contact Details
Zen River Temple
Oldorpsterweg 3
Uithuizen, 9981 NL