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Sensei Krzysztof Furyu Lesniak
Started with Philip Kapleau in 1977, than with Harada Tangen Roshi Sama at Bukkokuji, from1983 with Genpo Roshi (that time Sensei), continuing with him in 1987 with Jukai, 1989 Shukke Tokudo, 1994 Hossen Shiki, receiving Hoshi from Getsugen Roshi, confirmed by Genno Roshi and Shiho in SLC 2019 from Genpo Roshi.
Artist (painting, sculpture UMCS Lublin), studied thangka painting with Gega lama, black belt Taekwon do, singing poetry, japanese garden, iwagumi aquascaping, autor of comic books, master optician as family profession...
Wife and one son.
Contact Details
Kreznicka 93
Lublin, Lublin 20-518