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Sensei Tony Shinro Doubleday
Although I first learned Buddhist meditation practices in 1979, I began Zen practice with Maezumi Roshi's Dharma successor, Dennis Genpo Merzel Sensei, in 1982. I was able to train with Maezumi Roshi himself on several occasions and received the lay precepts (jukai) from Genpo Merzel Sensei in 1987. In 1992, I co-wrote a beginner's book, The Elements of Zen, with David Keizan Scott Roshi, who founded Stonewater Zen Sangha in the UK. In 2020, I received shiho and the title of sensei (teacher) from Keizan Scott Roshi, at which time I joined the White Plum Asangha. Together with Keizan Scott Roshi and his other Dharma successors, I work in the leadership of sesshin (Zen retreats) and other activities in StoneWater Zen Sangha. In 2023, I also joined the faculty as a trainer in the White Plum Asangha's teacher training course, Healthy Boundaries for Buddhist Teachers. I live near the city of Wells, Somerset, England, where I run the East Barn Zendo.
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Wells,, Somerset