Handbook for Clinical Memory Assessment of Older Adults (American Psychological Association. 419 pp.)
Communication and Cognition in Normal Aging and Dementia (College Hill/Little-Brown. 400 pp.)
Toward a Science of Consciousness, I, II, and III (MIT Press)
Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion (Oxford University Press. 431 pp.)
Emotions, Qualia, and Consciousness (World Scientific. 554 pp.)
Awareness of Subtle Emotional Feelings: A Comparison of Long-term Meditators and Non-meditators (Emotion, 6, 392-405)
Enhancing Cognitive Fitness in Adults: A Guide to the Use and Development of Community-based Programs (pp. 85-106)
Meditation, Mindfulness, Cognition, and Emotion: Implications for Community-based Older Adult Programs (P. Hartman-Stein & A. LaRue [Eds.])
The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Training on Multitasking in a High-stress Information Environment (Proceedings of Graphics Interface. pp. 45-52)
Contemplative Pedagogy: Perspectives From Cognitive and Affective Science (In O. Gunnlaugson, H. Bai, E. Sarath, & C. Scott [Eds.])
Contemplative Learning and Inquiry Across Disciplines (State University of New York Press)